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(such as disposable, hamburger, pesticides, etc.)
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71. Troy Mangum from Las Vegas, Nevada (2002/09/14)
There's alot to be said about the things in you have included in your ecclective collection of wonders. This is a tremendous help. Please continue in your work to spread the word.
(The Mangums - Troy, Carolyn, and Jessica)
[Suggested Webpage]

72. Michelle from NY but stuck in GA (2002/09/19)
Been cloth diapering 3 children since 1997. Loved the article about "disposables".

73. Fred Bering from Rockford, IL USA (2002/09/23)
I found your site very interesting, and I am very interested in the lifestyle your community practices. From what I have been able to learn, the Beringhof is the former home of some of my anscestors. If I ever get to Germany, I would like to visit you--but my German is not very good or extensive.

74. Pete from England (2002/09/23)
Great site, one of the best! Hope to meet up with you guys in a sunny corner of an organic farm commune one day. You've been an inspiration! (and I went out and read Momo too - great book! thanks ;-)
[Suggested Webpage]

75. George from <somewhere> (2002/09/24)
deepest feelings:
I can't stop thinking about donuts.
mothers maiden name:
4-digit- Pin Number:

76. Guy Aba from New Biafran (2002/09/26)
Very good site. I love it. Keep it up.

77. rich from glastonbury (2002/10/07)
I like the place that your website comes from. It is promoting awareness in a time where so we are made to feel so small. Thank you for allowing people the material with which to reclaim their power
[Suggested Webpage]

78. Hermann Otto from Neuseeland (2002/10/13)
Sehr gute webseite, schoene
Gruesse an meinen Neffen:
Max Kubierschky, der mir von euch geschrieben hat.
Wir haben hier in Ngunguru ein
grosses eingeschossiges Strohaus gebaut,mit Beton verputzt, das Dach wird von 45
aufrechten Holzstuetzen getragen. Wenn ich mal Zeit und genuegend Geld habe werde ich euch auf suchen.
Hermann (c:

79. Crow Hardy from Ithaca, NY USA (2002/10/15)
Your site is a wonderful discovery, & hopefully will help strengthen the Circle of our global tribe. Peace & Love to Brothers & Sisters everywhere in these difficult times.

80. Jon from Plant City FL USA (2002/10/16)
Wondering it you still may vist?
[Suggested Webpage]



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